August 25, 2017

The Annex is dead; long live the Annex

As to the Used Book Annex, we are either stretching the definition of “metaphor” or at least getting a little carried away in announcing that our used-book space is disappearing downstairs – but only to shape shift upstairs.

We are breaking our stride for this space to focus on a significant change at the bookstore. Throughout September, we will be closing the Annex in its present form down in the nether world, sharpening our focus to assure our used book collection is top-drawer, and integrating it with all of our new books upstairs. We are also opening a new used-book buying, check out and information station. To assure our chance to buy all the quality used books we need, we will be buying used books from our customers virtually all day, every day as of October 1.

This is a return to our roots when our used books had been upstairs. Those of you who have said they can’t tell the difference between the condition of our new and used books will be doubly right going forward since our full-time buying effort will enhance our ability to be very selective. The idea is to offer the same wide selection of new books and increase our collection of quality used books at a much lower price--all in our upstairs space.  

You will be right to think we sound like politicians before election day; promises, promises…  - or as LBJ put it, both guns and butter. Clearly, our shelves will be packed but we think it works. And if we need more space, we have room to expand; and we will. 

One more result is likely; you can expect a bit of chaos during September as we make the transition.  You can also expect to see our booksellers’ hair on fire. They will be the front line soldiers during this period so please keeping pouring through the doors to see if they retain their senses of humor and uncanny ability to find you exactly the book you want.

~ Jane and Dave

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